Traditional Croatian recipes

Cauliflower gratin

Cauliflower gratin

By Rosana Serves: 4
Prep Time: 20 min Cooking Time: 25 min

Maybe you didn't have an idea that cauliflower can be a delicious side dish or a separate meal. With our new recipe, you can prepare delicious cauliflower gratin in less than an hour. The whole preparation is also available in a Youtube video on our channel Mljac Food Blog.


  • 1 medium-sized cauliflower
  • 1 tbsp bread crumbs
  • Salt
  • Red sweet pepper
  • Black pepper
  • Parsley
  • 2 eggs
  • 200ml sour cream
  • 150g of gouda cheese - grated



Preheat the oven at 200 celsius.


Clean the cauliflower and tear it into smaller pieces. Put the water with 1 tbsp of salt on the stove to heat. When the water is hot, put the cauliflower pieces and cook in the boiling water for 10 minutes. Remove from the water.


In a separate bowl mix eggs, sour cream and 1 teaspoon of salt.


Then sprinkle the bottom of the pan with breadcrumbs, put the cauliflower and tear it into smaller pieces to be juicier after baked.


Pour the earlier prepared mixture, sprinkle with red pepper and with grated cheese. Before putting it in the oven, sprinkle it with parsley.


Bake for 25min.


And that's all! Enjoy the cauliflower as a separate meal or as a side dish to some meat.

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